Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Time to Listen to That Voice

It's a cool day in Tulsa, but everything's blooming and turning
green. It's a time for rebirth and so I naturally get a little
introspective and wonder what parts of my business and myself
need to be transformed. Like many, I second guess myself a lot.
Should I change my business model? Should I be focusing on new
markets? Should I raise or lower my fees? None of this is easy, and
frankly, it's easy to drive yourself crazy.

Here's my advice: be quiet.

I know that sounds odd, but it has been my personal experience
that when it comes times to face life-changing decisions, you
need to be quiet to hear the voices inside your head clearly.
Failure to find quiet time and listen can make all the
difference in your success, failure and happiness.

What are these voices? Some will simply dismiss them as being
the voice of reason from your own sub-conscience. Others believe
it is a voice of divine intervention. Whatever your belief
system, shut up and listen.

I like to talk to myself -- a lot. In fact, I'm talking to
myself as I am writing this newsletter! It's become habit for me
over the years, perhaps because I was raised an only child and
spent a lot of time alone. Sometimes I don't even realize I am
doing it which can drive my wife and kids batty. But no matter,
it's a tool, a method that works for me to work things out. I ask
myself questions. I spend quiet time. And eventually I get
answers. Mind you, they are not always the answers I expected.
Many times the answers are a complete revelation to me.

So, if you are twixt and between careers, jobs, projects, homes,
relationships, use this Spring to sit back, be pensive, ask
questions of yourself, and then be silent and wait for answers.
They will come, I promise you.


So here's some news. Last week I mentioned I performed a magic
show for my church group and it went very well. This led to an
introduction to a young lady who runs a local comedy
improvisational group, and she's booked me to open up for them on
June 25.

If you'd have asked me a year ago if I would pursue this path, I
probably would have looked at you cross-eyed. But now I am very
excited to have the opportunity to perform for more audiences. I
had forgotten how much fun I have doing this; how it fills me
with joy and a feeling of moving the needle.

It gets me out of my 9-5 comfort zone and puts new possibilities
in front me. Possibilities I would not have considered unless I
learned to be quiet and wait for answers.

What is the one thing that you have thought about doing --
fleetingly -- that would bring you sheer and utter joy -- but
have held back on for a variety of stupid reasons?

Listen to the voice.


This week I had the good fortune to receive two emails from
friends who wanted to show me something important. I'd like to
share them with you.

The first is a free ebook entitled "Get Paid for Who You Are"
written by David Wood. I never heard of him, but the book title
intrigued me and the offer was forwarded from a trusted friend.
Here's the download link:

The other item I rather liked is a new online ecover creation
tool called My Ecover Maker. I've written a review and posted it
here on my Cool Tool Awards web site:

I hope you find value in these recommendations.

Read the ebook.

Then listen to your heart.

Until next time,


P.S.: I'd really appreciate it if you would please click the
link below to share this email with a friend:


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